About Us
Home/Quicklink For Defense, security & Protection
About Brief

We are a company licensed by the Ministry of Interior, the Security and Civil Defense authorities to connect the burglar and direct fire alarm systems with the Police and Civil Defense operation rooms and the Emergency Number (911).

Quicklink For Defense, security & Protection

QUICK LINK has been established for the immediate alarm systems, immediate response and quick link with the emergency number (911) / Public Security Directorate and Civil Defense Directorate. QUICK LINK Company has provided its services in the field of linking the alarm systems, against theft and fire, of a large number of important installations. QUICK LINK Company has the ability to provide its clients with the necessary modern security technology to achieve the highest levels of security and public safety of the enterprises with the lowest costs.

What is unique about QUICK LINK Company is that it is a branch of Scorpion Company for Defense and Protection that publishes its sites all over the Kingdom. It has 24-hour mobile patrols and has the ability to respond immediately to any event in a record time and according to the international standards of response speed as well as direct link with the emergency number (911) and to coordinate with the Police and Civil Defense operation rooms to move the patrols to the scene of the event at a record time.

Installation of protection, burglar, intrusion and fire control alarm systems, and monitoring all signals issued by these systems around the clock during all days of the week, night and day, Fridays, holidays and events through our operation rooms that are directly linked to the operation rooms of the Public Security and the Civil Defense through hot lines.

We put all of our security expertise and the use of modern security technology in the service of our clients.

Our Vision

We look forward to being a strategic partner in delivering outstanding security services.

Our Mission

Achieving the highest standards of excellence and providing the best security services in the Middle East